Dana Cup Means Unity
Bjergby-Mygdal Idrætsforening (BMI) is one of many local clubs that creates the foundation of volunteers, whom Dana Cup is dependent on every year. Each local club helping out at the world's third largest youth tournament earn money. Naturally, the money is important, but there are also other reasons that are just as important.
'BMI has been part of Dana Cup since 1982, so we have been working together with Dana Cup for a long time. Besides the money that we earn, Dana Cup also creates a great feeling of unity in our club. We have around 80 volunteers and most of them have used a week of their holiday for many years. Naturally, many of the volunteers are members of BMI while others have simply chosen to help the club and the village. For instance, we have a group of retired people, calling themselves The Grey Men, who solve a number of tasks,' the president of the club Søren H. Krisensen explains.
'Dana Cup gives us a great opportunity to create a close contact with the parents, and most of them bring their children when helping out, so already from a young age the children of the village learn to help out at Dana Cup. We have no problems whatsoever finding volunteers,' the president of the club Søren H. Krisensen says.
Money earned is administrated by the board of BMI thus everybody in the club gains something. Typically, the money is spent on trips abroad for the young members.