Featured Team Interview 20

21. Jan 2016

Photo: HIF-STEIN FB, Norway

HIF-STEIN FB from Norway - G17


Tell us briefly the history of your club/team?

Our club is a unification of HIF and Stein and was founded in the 1900´s. We have a very strong children and youth sector with hundreds of active footballers. Within our girls sector we have a strong tradition and have produced both national team players and Olympic Champions in football from the Olympics in Sydney.  

Is it your first time at the Dana Cup if not how many times has your club participated?

We will be playing with a girls team in G17 and it will be our very first Dana Cup. 

What are your goals and expectations for the Dana Cup 2016?

Dana Cup is not a natural choice for a club from the World´s most northern city. It is a very long journey but with courage and effort it will be possible. 

The trip will be a family trip. We have 18 players and in total 51 persons will be travelling to the Dana Cup. We are very much looking forward to the social aspect of the tournament but we are also training with the goal to perform at our best and get the best results possible. 

It will be an experience for both players and leaders, something we will remember for the rest of our lives. The morale at training is high and exciting and we are 100% certain that it will be a fantastic trip.

Check out HIF-STEIN her

HIF-STEIN, Jan Arve Reite - Welcome to the Dana Cup 2016.

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