Hjørring Supports Dana Cup

24. Jul 2017

Hjørring Supports Dana Cup


With almost 25,000 players, managers and family members, the Dana Cup is obviously an important event for Hjørring and, thus, also the shops. Consequently, event and activity manager Rikke Ejsenhardt from Hjørring Handel welcomes the solid support of its members.
‘Of course, our members support Dana Cup and 70 shops stay open the entire week until 8.00 pm enabling the participants to shop when the last goal has been scored,’ smiles Rikke Ejsenhardt, who also invites the participants to a number of free events in the town centre.
Tuesday afternoon, while playing Sweeper Arm, it is possible to test the ability to stay on your legs with the boom arm charging towards you, also known from Ninja Warriors. Thursday and Friday afternoon one can play Rodeo Football and Barcelona Kicker, which is partly about keeping the balance on a football and partly about testing the leg muscles with Barcelona Kicker.
On Thursday Jens Varmløse plays at Four o’clock Rock. Jens Varmløse is a talented local musician, who plays country and pop music on his acoustic guitar.
All events take place at Springvandspladsen, which is in the centre of Hjørring. On the occasion of the Dana Cup, the streets in the centre of town are decorated with football t-shirts, which are hung up like a paper chain along with lost of footballs. Moreover, there are green carpets at the shops symbolising football.
‘Last year, studies showed that there were between 24,000 and 34,000 guests in the centre of town each day during the tournament and, naturally, it goes without saying, that Dana Cup is an important event for Hjørring. Subsequently, the shops support the tournament,’ Rikke Ejsenhardt underlines.


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