Staffed as a Smaller Hospital

25. Jul 2017

Staffed as a Smaller Hospital

With almost 20,000 football players, playing about 2700 matches, injuries become a natural part of the tournament. At Dana Cup between 600 and 700 players are injured but, luckily, the MASH-tent, which is situated next to Fortuna’s clubhouse, is staffed as a smaller hospital making it possible to treat most injuries on site.

‘In the MASH-tent we have two surgeons, two cardiologists, one paediatrician, one neurologist, one practitioner, six young people who have completed their medical studies, six nurses, two SOSU-assistants and even an employee, who is educated midwife, so we are ready to treat virtually anything,’ smiles the head of medical care at Dana Cup, Jette Nordberg, who is a nurse.

‘In total we are 47 people – the highest number ever at Dana Cup. 25 are medical students focusing on sports medicine. Plus a few students from Norway,’ she adds.

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