United Soccer Convention 2020

12. Dec 2019
11.12.2019 Convent1

United Soccer Convention 2020

Baltimore 15-19 January 2020 – Uniting Coaches around the love of the game!

“The convention is a place to reenergize a love of the game and really experience the global reach it has.” Says Ian Barker – United Soccer Coaches Director of Coaching Education.

This is so true, the Dana Cup will once again be present at the convention in Baltimore, which is billed as The World’s Largest Annual Gathering of Soccer Coaches and Administrators. The event draws more than 6.300 coaches and 14.000 attendees over 5 days with educational opportunities consisting of live field demonstrations, classroom sessions, meal and social functions, award presentations, coaching diplomas and of course the exhibitors hall.  

The exhibitors hall is where you will find the Dana Cup Hjørring at Booth 753, you can see the floor plan here you can also read more about the convention here 

Here we will be raising the Danish flag and spreading the word about the Dana Cup International Youth Soccer Tournament, Dana Cup SportsCenter, Dana Cup Academy and Fortuna Hjørring. It is a major highlight each year, where we get the opportunity to catch up with friends – old and new, current agents, partners and meet new coaches and clubs looking for a European adventure. The convention is truly an inspiring event to attend, not only for generating new contacts but for the inspiration it gives in regards to new ideas when we return back home to Hjørring in Denmark.

If you are planning on attending the convention in Baltimore come and say hi at Booth 753 – we have some great prizes and giveaways!

11.12.2019 Convent2

2019 Chicago - Alison Leigh Forman, Jette Andersen, Peter Knap - CEO SELECT and Mads Larsen

11.12.2019 Convent3

2019 Chicago - Jette Andersen, Alison Leigh Forman and Ali Krieger - USWNT


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