Bjørkelangen - B14 - Norway
Our club is called Bjørkelangen Sportsforening, it was founded in 1910 and we are located in Aurskog-Høland municipality in the Viken County. It is located around six miles east of Oslo and is a typical land and forest area. Our G14 team has around 20 active players.
It is the first time that this team will participate at the Dana Cup Hjørring but other teams from our club and from the local area have participated before. We have chosen to participate in the Dana Cup this summer due to the positive feedback we always hear about the tournament.
Our expectations at the Dana Cup are to have the best social experience possible and our goal is to play well and proceed from the first rounds.
We would like to play for the Global Goal 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation. Close to our club, there is a huge abundance of clean water but not everyone is as lucky as we are. Clean water is necessary for everyone and it is a missing resource throughout many parts of the World.
Read more about Global Goals here
Website here