Hjørring supports Dana Cup

22. Jul 2013
Arne Boelt ny
Arne Boelt takes an active part in Dana Cup. Partly by hosting at the old town hall and partly by opening the tournament Monday evening at Hjørring stadium.

Hjørring supports Dana Cup

Every year Dana Cup experiences a lot of support from Hjørring and the municipality. Not least this year, with a record-breaking number of participants, the support has been overwhelming. And there are many reasons why everybody is being so supportive.

'Dana Cup is extremely important for Hjørring and the entire area: much more than people imagine. That is why the municipality of Hjørring heavily supports the tournament and the many, many thousands of people, who visit the town each year,' mayor Arne Boelt stresses.

'For instance, last year I was invited to the big camp for boy scouts in Denmark. There I experienced the extensive preparations needed to arrange such a single event. And it made me think: "But, the people behind Dana Cup do this every year. It is just bigger." The experience seriously opened my eyes to the importance of Dana Cup, even though I did know that 25.000 people are important for the municipality,' the mayor adds.

'Consequently, the municipality of Hjørring supports Dana Cup. We want to do everything to create the best framework, plus be an active part in the process. The inquiry we had make a couple of years ago together with the University of Aalborg also showed that the most important thing for the participants is that things work. And this is where we can help,' mayor Arne Bolt stresses.

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