Photo: From the meeting with Professor Alejandro J. Rebogliati at the Universidad del Salvador. The University that will maybe come to the Dana Cup is catholic. The current Pope Francis has taught at the university in Argentina.
Received at the Pope's University
There is strong evidence that the Dana Cup will already this year receive a visit from a very special university in Buenos Aires. Dana Cup employees visited Universidad del Salvador in the Argentine capital. It was here that Pope Francis, the current Pope of the Catholic Church, taught when he was Bishop in Argentina.
It was not the church that the Dana Cup wanted to discuss with Professor Alejandro J. Rebogliati but the possibility of one or two of their youngest university teams taking part in the Dana Cup 2014.
Alejandro J. Rebogliati was very excited with the idea of the Dana Cup and extremely interested in his students meeting other young soccer players in Europe.
- We are very curious to see if we get teams from Buenos Aires this year. There is no doubt that playing against South American teams with their style of play is something that all other young players from Europe would like to do, says Dana Cup Director, Jette Andersen.
- We had a lot of promotion materials with us in Argentina, among other things, our USB card with the Dana Cup promotion video. The Argentine professor received a few of these and when there was an extra one left over, we commented in a fun way that the extra one could be for Pope Francis.
Alejandro J. Rebogliati commented straight away that the USB would be sent with the universities weekly post to the Vatican!
We are not sure if this will happen and we do not believe that the Vatican will send a team to this years Dana Cup but they would be more than welcome.