Girls from Berlin to Dana Cup

25. Mar 2014

Photo: Flemming Nielsen in the middle visiting Berliner Fussball-Verband e.V., with Director Michael Lameli (on the left) and the Secretary for selected teams Detlev Röder (on the right).

Girls from Berlin to the Dana Cup


The interest to participate at the Dana Cup is awake at the Berliner Fussball-Verband e.V. They have decided to participate at the Dana Cup 2014 with a girls team in class G17.

There registration is a result of an extra intensive marketing done by the Dana Cup in Germany over the latest months.

Flemming Nielsen, who has the job of increasing the number of German teams to the Dana Cup, visited the German club in Berlin in 2013 and now they are coming with their team.

We are expecting more German teams to visit the Dana Cup this summer. 

Flere nyheder