Focus on Quality

21. Jul 2015

 Focus on Quality

 With 1089 teams from most of the world Dana Cup 2015 is the biggest ever. And, of course, the tournament director Jette Andersen is pleased.

'Naturally, we are very happy and pleased that so many teams want to come to Hjørring in order to play football in an atmosphere of friendship and fair play. Moreover, we are also very happy to have broken the record of participating teams. This year we have almost 100 teams more than the previous record in 2014. However, I would like to stress that the number of teams is not the most important thing for Dana Cup,' underlines Jette Andersen, who adds that since 2011 Dana Cup has grown by 43 percent.

'Despite having reached almost 1100 teams and, therewith, breaking the record for the fourth year in a row, we still find it very import to offer all the teams the same high quality, which they are used to. Many of the clubs come to Dana Cup year after year, for instance, because they enjoy themselves and because the quality is high – at the eateries, on the fields and in the schools – and because we have been able to develop, for instance, introducing a new app for smartphones and tablets, new exciting events, plus even better facilities for a growing number of supporting family members,' the Director of the Dana Cup says.

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