7615 with Bus to Dana Cup
Sunday is a very important day at Dana Cup. This is the time when most teams arrive to the big football tournament and, of course, the massive influx puts the department of transport under a lot of pressure. Most participants arrive by bus – many from the Norway ferries in Hirtshals, but also some from train stations and airports.
'On Sunday we have to pick up around 3900 players and managers with busses and on Monday about 3700,' explains the head of the department of transport, Jørgen Nielsen, who has rented 37 busses from local contractors.
When the busses have picked up the players and managers on Sunday and on Monday, the busses will form part of the fine-meshed system giving the participants free transport to and from the schools and from the sleeping places to the centre area and other fields.
'On Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock I will personally make sure that the busses leave on time and I am also present when the last busses leave for the schools at midnight. Accordingly, we make sure that everybody is able to get home to bed,' underlines Jørgen Nielsen, who now has to coordinate the transport home for 6872 players and managers so far.