Dana Cup 2015 on the way
With more than 1.000 teams the Dana Cup Hjørring 2014 was a huge success. It was the largest Dana Cup tournament ever. The responses we have received are reflecting a high level of satisfaction for the quality of our tournament, so there is good reason to start our planning and registrations for the new Dana Cup.
Our system will be reset and we will prepare for the Dana Cup 2015 from the 20th to the 25th of July.
We will open for registrations for 2015, by the 15th of September.
Classes and age limits 2015
B19 Boys born 1.1.1996 or later
B17 Boys born 1.1.1998 or later
B16 Boys born 1.1.1999 or later
B15 Boys born 1.1.2000 or later
B14 Boys born 1.1.2001 or later
B13 Boys born 1.1.2002 or later
B12 Boys (7-a-side) born 1.1.2003 or later
B11 Boys (7-a-side) born 1.1.2004 or later
G19 Girls born 1.1.1996 or later
G17 Girls born 1.1.1998 or later
G16 Girls born 1.1.1999 or later
G15 Girls born 1.1.2000 or later
G14 Girls born 1.1.2001 or later
G13 Girls born 1.1.2002 or later
G12 Girls (7-a-side) born 1.1.2003 or later
Once again thanks for a great tournament this summer and you are all more than welcome back to the Dana Cup Hjørring 2015!
We look forward to seeing you!