Featured Team Interview 4

10. Oct 2014

Photo: Ploërmel FC.

Ploërmel FC from France – G19, G16 and G14


Tell us briefly the history of your club/team?

Our feminine section in Ploërmel Football Club was born in 2000. Today we have 140 womens and 30 educators / leaders. We have 10 exclusively feminine teams. We have two adults teams which play at the highest regional level, we hope to join the national level the next season. We have 8 other teams of young girls who compete for contests against male teams of their age or slightly younger. Indeed in France the feminine football is not enough developed to propose exclusively feminine competitions. It is one of the reasons for our participation in feminine tournaments abroad.

Is it your first time at the Dana Cup if not how many times has your club participated?

Yes it will be our first participation in Dana Cup. We already have to participate in international tournaments (Girls Cup of Maastricht in 2010, Aalborg City Cup in 2011 and Norway Cup in 2013) They are magnificent sports, human and cultural experiences.

What are your goals and expectations for the Dana Cup 2015?

The objective will above all be to please us and to tighten still the links which unite the players. We shall benefit from it later, in France. Our objectives for Dana Cup are measured.

Check out Ploërmel FC here 

Ploërmel FC, Jean-François CARLAC'H - Welcome to the Dana Cup 2015.


Photo: Ploërmel FC.

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