Featured Team Interview 5

10. Oct 2014

Photo: Tampereen Palloveikot.

TPV from Finland – G14 and G13


Tell us briefly the history of your club/team?

TPV is very traditional Finnish Football team founded in 1930. TPV is the 6th biggest football club in Finland with appr. 1600 players. Our U14 / U13 girls have played together for 3-5 years and play on the top level of Finland. Many of our players play on the local district teams of the Finnish Football Association as well.

Is it your first time at the Dana Cup if not how many times has your club participated?

This is the first time our girls participate in the Dana Cup.

What are your goals and expectations for the Dana Cup 2015?

We expect to get good international games and hope to meet a lot of different players and different play tactics. We also believe to have a great trip with good team spirit and lots of fun, creating a unique trip and experience for the girls and accompanying families.

Check out TPV here and on Facebook here

TPV, Taru Lähteenmäki - Welcome to the Dana Cup 2015.


Photo: Tampereen Palloveikot.

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