Dana Cup around the World with Mycujoo
Dana Cup has signed a new agreement with the worldwide streaming company Mycujoo, who are leaders in the field of streaming a variety of sports, including football.
- With this new agreement we get garantee that you can follow a higher number of matches at the Dana Cup. Already here in 2019 there will be around 400 matches sent live from Hjørring, over the internet and all around the World. Family and friends will be able to follow the young players football matches live. It is of great importance for the Dana Cup to be able to spread the knowledge and experience of our tournament, says Information Manager - Torben Vandsted from the Dana Cup.
Dana Cup 2019 will open on Monday the 22nd of July. Around 20.000 young footballers from around the World will play their games in and around Hjørring and at this time, the huge international event - via Mycujoo – will start its journey around the World!
- This year we will stream from six fields in the Park Vendia area and Højene, along with the finals played at the Nord Energi Arena on Friday and Saturday. Our plan is to increase the number of fields that we stream from in the future, as long as we can gain assistance from volunteers to help with the filming.
At this moment, the Dana Cup is pleased that through the new agreement with Mycujoo, the international development will be further enhanced.