The girls are coming from Peru

17. Jul 2013

The girls are coming from Peru!


For the first time there will participate a girls team from Peru at the Dana Cup. Santísimo Nombre De Jesús from the South American pacific nation are entered in the Dana Cup 2013 in class G17 for girls 17 years of age.  

The Peruvian girls have been working and training hard to prepare for their trip to Hjørring and they have high expectations at the tournament this summer.

It will be the Dana Cup's first experience with Peruvian girls soccer. 

For many years, boys teams from Peru, especially the club Cantalao from Lima have excited both supporters and opponents when they start their games in their tradition black and yellow playing strips.  

Now it is the girl's turn.

Contact was made with the girls in Peru when the Dana Cup visited Lima in January this year. 

Dana Cup is working together with the INLAC organization which is represented in Peru. Italo Amayo and INLAC boss, Armando and Patricia Espinosa from Mexico have done a fantastic job assisting us in getting Santísimo Nombre De Jesús to the Dana Cup. In Lima the project is also strongly supported by the cultural boss, Juan Jose Tan Cantinet.

See an interview with Santísimo Nombre De Jesús

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